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Get access to the latest analysis on special topics in battery reuse and recycling? From January 2025 we are now offering reports and webinar as separate purchases.

​Our latest update on the European Battery Recycling Market with focus on Material Recovery

In 2024 the European capacity for pre-processing of battery waste increased significantly. However at the same time several players with plans to set up plants for final recovery of the materials have suspended or even completely withdrawn their plans. Some industrial groups have also announced strategic reviews of their investments in material recovery. This while investments in the US, South Korea and China have continued, increasing the pressure to fill future capacity in these markets. High costs for labour and energy throughout the whole battery value, slow growth of feedstock volume makes the situation in Europe very challenging.

In our latest 15 pages report on CES Online we outlined what this will mean for the future of European battery recycling and its players. In January 2025 this was followed by a webinar and a 35 pages slide deck with further detailed analysis on our view of how the market will evolve.


Both the report and the slide deck covers:

The drivers behind suspensions and withdrawals
-Postponed and cancelled projects

-The dynamics of the EV battery market and how it affects recycling

The current situation of pre-processing and material recovery in Europe
-Current players
-Remining planned projects
-Other potential players and projects

The challenges in establishing material recovery in Europe
-Dependencies in the battery value chain
-Cost comparisons in Europe and other markets
-Access to, and growth of feedstock

Our forecast of material recovery capacity in Europe
-Over capacity and imbalance in global markets – what are the consequences?

-Winning business models in the European battery recycling market

-Likely players to succeed in the next 10 years


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